
SoEasy Insurance puts an end to the stress of unpaid invoices

SoEasy Insurance, a company that is aiming to provide an extended variety of products to individuals and businesses, has launched another one of its innovative products in the Cypriot market, Credit Insurance. This new product is designed to meet the needs of businesses, offering solutions that promote a healthy growth and financial strength.

The new product from SoEasy Insurance protects businesses that provide products or services on credit from non-payment of their customers’ financial obligations.

In particular, Credit Insurance protects businesses against the risk of customer invoices non-payment. This kind of coverage allows businesses to operate more securely and expand without the fear of late payments or customer insolvency.

For the appropriate company evaluation that would like to be insured, a thorough process is followed, in collaboration with big companies that enable SoEasy to provide this particular service and then the insurance policy contract is issued, in a few simple steps.

Credit Insurance has many benefits that will help any business to grow safely and increase profit. This kind of coverage will make the business more reliable and facilitate better financing from creditors.

Yiannis Nikolaou, CEO of SoEasy Insurance, during the product launch emphasized, “At SoEasy Insurance our intention is to always be next to the customer, providing quality and innovation! We are constantly listening to our associates, the Insurance Intermediaries, who are on the front line, so that we can develop and launch products that are really missing from the market.”

Angelos Panayi, the company’s Non Motor Manager, added, “At SoEasy Insurance we want to provide innovations by serving the businesses with our products, thus we try every day to offer our best possible service.”

More information about this new product can be found in the link below.